Dermatitis Herpetiformis (Celiac Disease)

Your Path

  • Dermatitis Herpetiformis (Celiac Disease)


  • Skin eruption that occurs in some patients with celiac disease
  • Disorder characterized by reaction to ingested gluten


  • Puritic eruption, that resolves with discontinuation of gluten intake
  • Can affect 4-20% of patients w/CD
  • Other symptoms from celiac disease include: GI are most common --> chronic diarrhea, bloating/distention, weight loss (40-50%); fatigue; joint pain (20-30%); painful neuropathy (up to 30%)

Physical Exam Findings

  • Papulo-vessicular eruption
  • Most commonly involving arms (often extensor surfaces), knees, buttocks; can also affect back, abdomen, scalp, groin, other
