Constipation|Peripheral Neuropathy

Your Path

  • Constipation|Peripheral neuropathy


  • Causes of PN: mechanical compression, toxic/metabolic (e.g. DM, B12 deficiency, hypo/hyperthyroid), autoimmune/inflammatory (e.g. celiac, amyloid, sarcoid, lupus, CIDP), infections, cancer related (e.g. multiple myeloma, POEMS, paraneoplastic).

Risk Factors

  • Poorly controlled DM or other disorders associated w/PN


  • Chronic nausea, bloating, infrequent BM (ie < q 24h)
  • Other symptoms related to the primary cause of PN

Physical Exam Findings

  • Abdominal bloating
  • Evidence of peripheral neuropathy w/decreased distal sensation, diminished reflexes, sometimes weakness
