Anemia - A Morphologic Approach

Your Path

  • Anemia - A Morphologic Approach


  • This schema based on the morphology of red cells (microcytic, normocytic, macrocytic)
  • Some disorders can present with more than one morphology - and multiple simultaneous problems can lead to an average RBC size that's in between
  • Bleeding disorders can contribute to anemia from other causes


  • Weakness, fatigue, sob, doe
  • Degree of sx based on acuity of anemia (i.e. acute--> more symptoms), other co-morbid dz processes (e.g. anemia superimposed on another illness like CHF will generate more symptoms at higher HgB), general activity level (i.e. if relatively inactive, will have fewer symptoms).

Physical Exam Findings

  • Degree of VS abnormality based on acuity and ability to compensate
  • Conjunctival pallor
  • Other findings based on etiolgy (e.g. blood in stool if GI bleeding)
